Browse dozens of short videos covering many aspects of the LogoPress die design process. A great way to learn what LogoPress can do for you, as well as a refresher for current designers to remember how various commands work.
Automatic Cut Optimization
(75 seconds) LogoPress ProgSim now features Cut Optimization, the ability to automatically adjust the cutting punch geometry that create the part blank, in order to arrive at the user-selected final part, after forming! Play video
Pre-forming Comparison in LogoPress ProgSim
(66 seconds) A part is wiped down after preforming. See the difference in the final part based on the shape of the preform tooling. Play video
Heel clearance reduction in die opening
(28 seconds) The LogoPress Heel Clearance Reduction in Die Opening function is used to modify the die opening geometry and automate the reduced clearance around the punch heel. This is done with only a single click on the die opening. Play video
Automate the Locations of Wire EDM Start Holes
(65 seconds) Use the LogoPress Positioning by 1 Edge sketch tool to quickly locate a Wire EDM start hole that is offset from the midpoint of an edge, a certain distance from the endpoint of an edge, offset from the midpoint of an arc, or offset from a quadrant of a cylindrical edge. Play video
Slug Retention Grooves
(98 seconds) The LogoPress Slug Retention Groove function is used to quickly add grooves to die openings to prevent the slugs from pulling out. Parameter Presets can be created and selected to control the angle, diameter, color, and depth of the groove. Also the number of grooves if the edge of a cylindrical hole is selected. The position of the grooves is automated with the user’s edge selection and entering a distance value. Play video
Sketch Fillet Management - Corner Undercut
(14 seconds) Using LogoPress Sketch Fillet Management, a sharp corner is changed to an undercut corner relief in only 14 seconds. This is just one of seven different function types within Sketch Fillet Management. Play video
Wire EDM Start Holes
(64 seconds) The 2D drawings are automatically updated after inserting WEDM start holes through a stack of three plates simultaneously. Depending on your CAM software, you may choose to have start holes created as either a Sketch, a Planar Surface, an Extruded Surface, and Extrude or a Thin Extrude. Play video
Assembly Filters
(37 seconds) With a single click, LogoPress Filters allow you to instantly see the part of the tool you are working on. You don't have to hide/show sub-assemblies - just select a dedicated icon for every combination of upper, middle (stripper), and lower sub-assemblies. Play video
Mount Punches
(73 seconds) A punch that was previously only in the strip assembly is “mounted”. This means that the punch is now in the upper assembly, custom properties such as material and heat treatment are added that will automatically populate to the BOM, and all clearances are cut through all plates. Play video
Revision Change
(104 seconds) A revision change is made to a cut opening. This change is automatically propagated through the rest of the tool, including updating the punch and all openings in all related plates. Due to the parametric nature of the software, the 2D drawing files automatically update. Play video
The Power of Parametrics
(117 seconds) Upon selection of a tool assembly, the solid models and their associated drawings are generated almost instantly along with a new project name – aka job number on each one. Changes made to this newly created tool assembly are automatically reflected in their 2D drawings. Play video
Insert Key
(88 seconds) Leverage the power of the 'Insert a Set of Components' command to insert a key, along with the associated slot, retention screws, and tapped holes. Play video
Tool Structure
(60 seconds) Use LogoPress Tool Structure to quickly add plates directly to the correct sub-assembly along with such custom properties as part number, material, heat treatment, and descriptions. These are all automatically and instantly pushed to the Bill of Materials. Play video
Nest for WEDM Burn Block
(76 seconds) Nest punches from a tool assembly to create a Wire EDM burn block, minimizing material waste. Play video
Punch Locking Tab
(88 seconds) Insert a Punch Locking Tab (standard or custom size), while simultaneously cutting the retaining groove in the punch/insert, creating a tap hole, and adding a screw to hold it all in place. Play video
Add an Insert
(101 seconds) LogoPress Add an insert will quickly create and add an insert into a tool assembly, along with the opening in the plate. A shim under the insert is also optional. The opening can go all the way through the plate or a pocket at a desired depth can be created. Two modes are available, Part Mode (created from scratch) and Split Mode (split from existing geometry). Play video
Mount Punch with Retention Screw
(99 seconds) LogoPress Punch Mounting is used to mount a punch from the strip assembly into the upper sub-assembly of the tool and all clearance openings are automatically cut through all of the plates. A screw to retain the punch is also automatically inserted at the same time, along with the counterbore and tapped hole. Play video
Normal To without Zooming Out
(42 seconds) When making the view normal to a sketch, face, or plane SOLIDWORKS zooms out to the extents of the opened file. The LogoPress Normal to without zooming out function can save the designer a great amount of time during the entire course of a design by not having to zoom back in to where the designer is working. Play video
Progressive Unforming Tools
(110 seconds) Progressive Blank Companion, now known as Progressive Unforming Tools, is used to unform or partially unform only a portion of a complex shaped part. This can be done tangent to the selected boundary edge or up to a user specified surface body. Play video
First Hit Optimizer
(114 seconds) First Hit Optimizer - Virtually feed and control the lead edge of a coil into a die, station by station. Visualize if your chosen first hit location leaves a piece of scrap on a die block, causes a fragile, unguided pierce punch to cut only a portion of a slug, causes an unbalanced stripper or pressure pad, leaves loose slugs in a die cavity, etc. Play video
Missing Slug Clearance Detection
(100 seconds) Slug Clearance Detection checks for missed slug openings in backup plates, the die set, missing slug ramps in parallels, etc. Avoid smashing a brand new die the first time it goes into the press, causing damage that could take a week to repair. This quick video also highlights a very important tip regarding increasing the "number of increments" setting. Play video
Smart Ordinate Dimensions
(49 seconds) LogoPress ordinate dimensions are smarter and faster. One style will place the dimension tags near the hole where possible, or off the edge of the part if it is close to the edge. These values will update if the design changes. Three additional styles are available to choose from. Play video
Hole Tables
(63 seconds) LogoPress can create hole tables customized to your liking. The hole tables can include the locations of each hole or they can be compact hole tables without locations. One column has a detailed description of the hole and another column shows what component that hole is for. Play video
Insert Socket Head Cap Screw
(43 seconds) Insert socket head cap screws with the appropriate size counter-bored and tapped holes. Hole faces can be automatically colored for identification by CAM software. Default hole sizes can also be easily customized for CAM systems to recognize. Play video
Modify Socket Head Cap Screw
(46 seconds) Edit the size (diameter) & counterbore depth of an already mounted SHCS. The screw length automatically adjusts itself to maintain correct thread engagement. Associated hole tables, holes in related plates and the related 2D drawings automatically update to the new sizes. Play video
Insert Dowel Pin
(48 seconds) Insert a dowel pin with press fit, slip fit, and clearance holes sized to match. The user can easily set up the software to create a counter-drilled clearance hole or not. They can also override the default hole type on the fly to override the default setting. Play video
Insert Die Springs
(84 seconds) Insert springs and all related holes. The software provides feedback on percentage of travel and total load on the spring. It also dynamically shows the center of the force for the entire group of springs as more are added. Colors of springs per duty type and brand are respected. Play video
Change Springs to Nitrogen Cylinders
(74 seconds) Change coil die springs that have already been added to the die assembly to nitrogen cylinders (gas springs) with just a few clicks! Clamping screws can be simultaneously added. As with all standard catalog components, many different brands are available to choose from. Play video
Add Pierce Punch, Die Button
(116 seconds) Add a pierce punch, die button, spacer behind the die button, sharpening collar under the punch head, screw caps, etc., along with all associated holes and clearances in the stack of plates, all with a single mouse validation click. Choose from over 25 pierce punch suppliers. Play video
Ball Lock Punch with Retainer
(116 seconds) Insert a ball lock retainer with punch and associated screw/dowel mounting holes. Also mounts a die button and creates the clearance holes. Play video
Standard Lifters Pilot
(103 seconds) Insert a Standard Lifters brand pilot and stripper assembly - including mounting holes / hardware. Play video
Insert Guide Pins, Bushings, and Ball Cages
(82 seconds) Quickly insert guide pins, bushings, (and ball cages). Use automatic pattern to position them in the corners, and adjust offset to foolproof assembly. Play video
Add Screw to Mounted Punch
(67 seconds) Using LogoPress Standard Component Library a screw to retain an already mounted punch is inserted along with the counterbore and tapped hole. The positioning point for the screw is automatically placed and dimensioned in the center of the punch using LogoPress Automatic Pattern. Play video
Form Punch Creation
(59 seconds) Create a radius coining form punch for a linear bend by simply selecting the bend and sketching the footprint of the punch. The radius coining style form punch is one of five different types of form punches that are available to the user. Play video
3D Form Punch
(57 seconds) Create a 3D form punch (such as an embossed area or complex form) by selecting the surfaces to be formed and sketching the outline of the punch. The 3D form punch is one of five different types of form punches that are available to the user. Play video
Create a Cutting Punch
(111 seconds) Create a cutting punch using the search punch outline command that automatically follows the outline of the part and cuts away the scrap material beneath it. Tonnage is calculated for the punch and many options can be automatically added, such as shear angle, heels, etc. Play video
Punch Mismatch Styles
(88 seconds) Three different types of punch mismatches can be added to cutting punches with literally just two or three mouse clicks. Defaults for depths and radii can be set, and these defaults can easily be overridden, or easily changed after the punch mismatch is added. Play video
Add a Heel, Shoulder, Shear Angle or Pedestal
(51 seconds) Add a heel, shoulder, shear angle or pedestal to your punches in a matter of seconds. For a strip that has been created without shear and had tonnage calculated, when shear is added, the reduced cutting tonnage is automatically recalculated to account for this shear angle. Play video
Strip Exports Estimating Data
(57 seconds) An information note with estimating data is automatically created along with an Excel spreadsheet. Each includes progression, strip width, thickness, material, total force, total cutting force, total forming force, number of stations, percent of material lost, cutting punches perimeter, etc. Play video
Strip Nesting
(110 seconds) LogoPress Nest contains tools to optimize material usage in strip layouts. Play video
Shoulder / Heel / Pedestal / Roof for Punch
(40 seconds) Utilize LogoPress Shoulder/Heel/Pedestal/Roof for punch to quickly add a T-shaped shoulder onto a U- shaped punch that will enable the punch to be retained with a screw from the backside. Play video
Show/Hide the Previous Step on Selected Station
(40 seconds) Display the incoming station on a selected station of a strip using the LogoPress Show/Hide the previous step on the selected station function. This can be done while in the strip assembly or the tool assembly. Play video
Add Punches for Pilots
(114 seconds) LogoPress has a new function to robustly create and mate your pierce punches for pilot holes in the strip layout. These punches are used as reference for inserting the purchased punches/pilots into the tool assembly. Play video
Remove Slivers Left in the Skeleton of the Strip Layout
(114 seconds) Quickly remove slivers of material left behind in CAD to make it match the real-life results. Play video
Apply Overbend
(51 seconds) Overbend a leg by 10 degrees to account for springback in a dumb imported model that could have come from any CAD system. The form radius is automatically recalculated to the correct smaller number and all related geometry connected to the bend is recreated for this overbent state. Play video
Partial Unbend
(63 seconds) Partially unbend a dumb imported part while maintaining ribs and other geometry. The user has the option to simply unbend the radius that is there without moving its centerline, or doing a moved center partial unbend. Play video
Flatten Complex Shapes with Blank
(80 seconds) The FEA portion of LogoPress will mesh and flatten complex shapes in a matter of seconds. Various plots can be shown, including stress, strain and thinning and thickening of material. Numerous constraints can be used to more closely simulate the forming method taking place. Play video
Blank for Bent Part
(107 seconds) Quickly unbend a part using LogoPress “Blank for bent part” by only selecting a reference face, setting a K-Factor and clicking OK. Very helpful when finding material usage. Play video