Stampack Training

Accurate Die Design Software, Inc. is the North American Training Center for Stampack Software.

The main course objective is to teach the student how to effectively and efficiently use the Stampack software. This training will cover the setup of simulations in order to calculate accurate results, as well as generating design changes based on these results.

Training is done online using GoToMeeting and GoToAssist. GoToMeeting will allow the trainees to see the instructor’s screen and GoToAssist will allow the instructor to see the trainee’s screens.

Classes are typically held Tuesday – Thursday, and consist of 4 hours of training each day from 10am-3pm CST with a 1 hour break in the middle for lunch. Course materials will be sent to each attendee after registration is complete.

We usually limit each training class to 5 people for quality purposes so you can get the best training possible. It is filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is only available to those people who have already purchased Stampack.


Here is the Stampack Training Course Outline – Syllabus.