In 1995 SOLIDWORKS was released as the first 3D CAD technology that ran on the Windows platform and didn't require expensive hardware and software to operate. Within two months, it was winning accolades for ease-of-use. Today more than 5 million users at 350,000 locations in 140 countries around the world rely on SOLIDWORKS software. Plus, over two million students graduate every year with SOLIDWORKS training. It is also the 3D CAD software that is taught more than any other at community colleges around the country. SOLIDWORKS has consistently ranked as the 3D technology experience that employers seek most in job postings on, the most popular employment Web site.
December 1993
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
Acquired in 1997 by Dassault Systèmes S.A.*—based in Vélizy, France—the world’s leading developer of product lifecycle management solutions.